Madrid Spanish Courses

madrid spanish courses

Spanish Language Courses In Madrid

Our Spanish school in Madrid, Spain, has group and private lessons starting ever Monday all year round. Students are able to join a class any Monday and we have different levels so you can join a group class with other students of a similar level to yours. We offer: group lessons, combination of group and private lessons and private lessons.

The minimum age to join our group class is 15 and we have a maximum of 8 students per class and an average of 4-5 students. It takes 4 weeks to complete each level (out of 6 levels) and you can take from 1-12 weeks of group class. Students take a Spanish test online to determine their level before arrival.


The Spanish courses offered at our language school in Spain are

Title Description
Standard group course

This is our most popular course and consists of 20 hours of group lessons per week. We have different levels and students are placed in group with other students of their level, with a maximum of 8 students.

Our classes are not in a traditional classroom, instead we hold them in parks, cafes, museums, art galleries and other locations so students explore the city while learning Spanish.

Class is well structured and divided in 2 hours of grammar and 2 hours of conversation/reading and writing based on the European frame of reference.

You can start any Monday.

Standard plus 5 or 10 private lessons

This course is the standard group class with 1 extra hours of private lessons per day which allows students to focus on specific topics.

Our classes are not in a traditional classroom, instead we hold them in parks, cafes, museums, art galleries and other locations so students explore the city while learning Spanish.

You can start any Monday.

Standard plus 10 private lessons

This course is an intensive one and consists on the standard group class with 2 extra hours of private lessons per day which allows students to focus on specific topics during the extra hours.

Our classes are not in a traditional classroom, instead we hold them in parks, cafes, museums, art galleries and other locations so students explore the city while learning Spanish.

You can start any Monday.

Private lessons

We offer private lessons with dynamic teachers from 10 to 20 hours per week. Our fees depend on the number of hours booked. We offer private lessons for kids and adults too.

Entrances to 1 museum included per 20 hours of class

Family course

This course consists in 20 hours of class per week for families travelling, with students of the same level.

Entrances to 1 museum included per 20 hours of class.

Comprehensive Language Courses: Structure and Certification

Our  courses include grammar, conversation, vocabulary and reading and are structured based on the European frame of reference: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2.

Students will receive a diploma after completing their course .

The levels offered in our school are (each has a duration of 4 weeks).

spanish language courses in spain

Beginner A

The beginners A course is for people who have no previous experience in Spanish, it covers the basics such as verb tenses and conversations as well, after completing this level, students are expected to be able comprehend and elaborate basic oral and written structures related to daily life.

Beginner B

Includes more complex tenses and irregular verbs as well as more complex communication and verbal expressions. After completing this level students will be able to comprehend and elaborate personal and professional situations.

Intermediate A

Students can give their opinion while holding a conversation and speak with spontaneity. Can understand texts of their interest and can handle most situations during trips.

Intermediate B

Students able to hold conversations and discussions fluently as well as defend points of views and structure ideas. Able to understand texts with complex content.

Advanced A

Students can hold conversations with fluency and without effort and use the language in academic, social and professional fields. Able to communicate and deal with a broad variety of topics.

Advanced B

Students are able to understand practically everything they read and hear to the point that they feel as native speakers.

* Placement is determined after taking an examination on day 1.